
Gabriel Abrantes

Daniel Schmidt

“A combination of science fiction, horror, crime film and romantic comedy. A dark fairy tale for adults only.” This firework deliberately mixing pop culture genres is how Daniel Schmidt and Gabriel Abrantes describe Diamantino, the first feature film of two directors known for their short and cheeky films. And who are the characters in that explosive mixture? A Portuguese icon of world football (it is hard not to think of a certain Ronaldo, portrayed here by Carloto Cotta, an actor regularly cast in Miguel Gomes’ films), his two cruel sisters, gigantic long-hair dogs frolicking in a stadium, a nun, a young policewoman, a migrant teenager, a scientist, a TV host (the real and controversial Manuela Moura Guedes) and other motley figures. But the point is not to take us to a strictly fabulous realm, rather it is to cast an ironic light, at times bordering on schoolboyish humour, on current events: media manipulation, genetic engineering, the rise of extremism… Obviously, Abrantes and Schmidt have consciously devised this film as a political tale, and they did so with all the aesthetic and cinematic means at their disposal. This is why they did not shy away from incorporating into their farcical lampoon the beautiful light of 16mm, mixed with Cinemascope, holograms, drone footage and security camera images. Therefore, with such a blend of materials and registers, their film is less a critical view than an apologia in actuality, a manifesto by sight, of heterogeneity itself, of fruitful chaos. (JPR)

Technical sheet

Portugal, France, Brazil / 2018 / Coulour / 92’

Scenario : Gabriel Abrantes & Daniel Schmidt.
Picture : Charles Ackley Anderson.
Music : Ulysse Klotz & Adriana Holtz.
Sound : Olivier Blanc, David Turini, Fernando Henna, Benjamin Viau.
Editing : Raphaëlle Martin Holger, Gabriel Abrantes, Daniel Schmidt.
With : Carloto Cotta, Cleo Tavares, Anabela Moreira, Margarida Moreira, Carla Maciel
Production : Les Films du Bélier (Justin Taurand), Maria & Mayer (Maria João Mayer), Syndrome Films (Daniel van Hoogstraten), Gabriel Abrantes et Daniel Schmidt.
Distribution : UFO (Lucie PLumart).