Gwenaël Porte

ENSP – Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie | Arles, France

Né en 1993, Gwenaël Porte suit des études de cinéma à Montpellier et à Paris avant de co-fonder la revue de cinéma La Septième Obsession en 2015. Il contribue régulièrement à la revue culturelle NOTO. En 2016, il intègre l’École Nationale Supérieure de la Photo- graphie d’Arles.

La Mort de Maria Valdes

France / 2018 / 11 min

A young and smart woman comes into a hotel. She is mysterious, and seems to be waiting for something while she’s preparing for it. She puts on some make-up, brushes her hair, walks inside the room without leaving it. Slowly the screen splits and her body breaks up, the space becomes abstract and the identity of the young woman seems confused. In the early morning, Maria Valdes is missed and the hotel room is desperately empty.Gwenaël Porte
