
Ivan Kurbakov

Two young adults are meeting just like in a dream. He takes her off her slumber at the water’s edge and becomes her guide into the forest. She is married. But there is a reflection on her face and the man sees himself in it. Then it’s necessary to hold out, against the hold of souvenirs, facing an ever further present. Admittedly, the rock of city nights keeps the couple afloat, but who knows whether the mist from the mountains high has not already shed a pall upon the town ? (V.P.)
Ivan Kurbakov

Technical sheet


Russia 2016 HD 54’
Original version : russian.
Subtitles : english.
Script : Ivan Kurbakov.
Casting : Filipp Yakubchuk, Maria Belova.

Production & distribution : Ivan Kurbakov.

Filmography :
– Songs on the way back, 2015
– Nympholepsy, 2014