Bamseom Pirates Seoul inferno

Yoon-suk Jung

“Bam Seom Hae Jeok Dan Seoul Bul Ba Da” is the title of a musical compilation available online, by bass-player Jang Sung-gun and drummer Kwon Yong-man. The two friends are at the outset of this film by Jung Yoon-suk, when they explore the technological debris of a vacant lot. The energy which is deployed in front of a small audience contrasts contrapuntally with the political precision of laws in South Korea. The contrast of situations underlines the deft attention of this art of provocation.

Technical sheet


sOUTH kOREA 2017 – Colour and B&W HD, Dolby Digital 120’
Original version : Korean.
Subtitles : english
Script : Yoon-suk Jung.
Photography : Yoon-suk Jung, Chul-nyung HEO, Sang-jin Jun.
Editing : Yoon-suk Jung.
Sound : Yong-su Pyo.
Casting : Yong-man Kwon, Sung-gun Jang, Jung- geun Park, Pyun-sun Dan.

Production : Sona Jo (OPOT Pictures).
Distribution : Jin Park (M-LINE Distribution).
Filmographie : Non fiction diary, 2013