I called him Morgan

Kasper Collin

When talking about him, Helen gives the film title: “I called him Morgan”. By making Lee Morgan’s wife speak, Kasper Collin is not investigating into the piece of news that put an end to the lightning career of the jazz trumpet player. Choosing some specific archives gives some indication as to his peculiar presence. His impressive discography is barely discussed. What’s key instead is to grasp Helen’s words after a very long silence. Everything revolves around a single audio tape, between breathing and whistling.

Technical sheet


Sweden, USA 2017 Colour and B&W DCP 25fps 92’
Original version : english.
Photography : Bradford Young, Erik Vallsten.
Editing : Hanna Lejonqvist, Eva Hillström, Dino Jonsäter, Kasper Collin.
Sound : Jan Alvermark, Mario Adamson.
Casting : Larry Reni Thomas, Wayne Shorter, Paul West, Charli Persip, Albert « Tootie » Heath, Ron St. Clair, Larry Ridley.

Production : Kasper Collin Produktion.