Luce, à propos de Jean Vigo

Leïla Férault- Lévy

For the first time ever, and for a day only, Luce Vigo opens for her son the trunk containing the archives of her parents, who died when she was a child. Luce’s words relate the cinema life of Jean Vigo and his companions: Stork, Kaufman, Dulac or Painlevé. Luce only understood the weight of this legacy when she was fourteen. Later on, she became a mother and a teacher, and using all her strength, she managed to make another cinema life out of it: her life. She spent this life defending and showing films. (V.P.)
Leïla Férault Lévy

Technical sheet


France 2016 HD Colour 60’
Original version : french
Photography : Renaud Personnaz, Robin Fresson.
Editing : David Amrita.
Sound : Fabien Krzyzanowski, Patrick Chenais.
Casting : Luce Vigo, Nicolas Sand, Emilie Picot, Emilie Breton.

Production : Stéphane Jourdain (La Huit Production), Sidonie Dumas (Gaumont).
Distribution : Julien Beaunay (La Huit Distribution).