Buffeted by the waves of political struggle, Jean-Baptiste Alazard (winner of the Georges de Beauregard National Award at FID 2013 with La Buissonnière) comes across the filmmaker and sculptor Diourka Medveczky, who today lives modernity as a hermit. Just like him, Alazard and his friends nurture the desire of remaining whole when facing the times they live in. With Medveczky, they reformulate the issues of the present time. Then, the group, with the very grain of the film, can be born anew.
Technical sheet
France, 2016, Colour, Mixed Media, Stéréo, Dolby Digital, 59’
Original version : french.
Subtitles : english, spanish.
Photography : Jean-Baptiste Alazard.
Editing : Julie Borvon.
Sound : Raphaël Henard.
Casting : Diourka Medveczky.
Production : Vincent Le Port (Stank).
Filmography : La Buissonnière, 2013