Fanny Zaman

The people were filmed in the late 1950s, voices were recorded in the late 1990s, some sound effects are more recent, the assembling is new. The Council of State appears on the black board of a classroom. The coup is a possible cause. Found footage accommodates a sound flow that updates the riddle of the Brabant massacres. An Orphania cricket suddenly appears; we must go back over it all, reconsider the whole thing, and renew our interpretation. (GG)
Fanny Zaman

Technical sheet


Belgium, 2016, Colour and B&W, Mixed Media, Stéréo ,8’

Original version : french.
Subtitles : english.
Photography, editing, sound : Fanny Zaman.
Casting : Françine Lyna.

Production : FANNY ZAMAN (trope-editions)

Filmography : Christusverlosser Kathedraal, 2016, Algorithm, 2015, Local (Draft version), 2013, Dplusone, 2012, Song mountain area the centre direction, 2010, Surface, 2008