Gwendal Sartre

Gwendal Sartre invites us to an escape with figures, histories and breaths. The secret links between figures secretly elicit an eroticism, they are the heat that one senses in the movement of bodies or in some woman’s haircut. The film borders on the infinite as much as on the infinitesimal : in front of a molecular landscape, the mathematician engraves some love messages at scalp level. (VP)

Technical sheet


France, 2016, Colour and B&W, Mixed Media, Dolby, Digital, 14’

Original version : french.
Subtitles : english.
Photography : Gwendal Sartre.
Editing : Isabelle Prim.
Sound : Yannick Delmaire.
Casting : Jean-Paul Allouche, Laura Haby.

Production : Bertrand Scalabre (Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains).
Distribution : Natalia Trebik (Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains).

Filmography : À l’origine une forteresse, 2015, Gonzo, 2014, Les Énervés, 2014, Le Fils qui dessine, 2013, Song Song, 2012