• Other gems


Djourha Abouda, Alain Bonnamy

Djourha Abouda
Going by the name of Djurjura, Djouhra Abouda started a musical career combining women’s voices with Kabyle cultural claims in the early 1970. She began working as a filmmaker with Algérie couleurs (1970-1972) and Cinécité (1973- 1974), both kaleidoscopic collages co-directed with Alain Bonnamy within the experimental film lab of Vincennes University. Shot in 16mm, Ali au pays des merveilles is a more frontal, radical, dazzling, militant and musical work, in which “all images were filmed as punches”. This tumultuous tract of a film, driven by its uncompromising editing, exposes in plain sight the condition of the female and male immigrant workers in and around Paris in the 1970s. It is a raging cry to French society, that wonderland where exploitation and racism thrive, where domination and the colonial spirit live on.
(Nicolas Feodoroff)

  • Other gems

Technical sheet

France / 1975 / 60’

4K restauration in 2021 by Image Retrouvée based on original negatives and a 16mm copy, led by the Talitha association in collaboration with Abouda et Bonnamy.

Original Version : Algerian Arabic, French.
Assistant director : Jean Michel Marchais
Script : Bonnamy Alain, Abouda Djouhra.
Photography : Bonnamy Alain.
Editing : Nadia Fassil.
Music : Djamel Allam.
Sound : Abouda Djouhra.
Production : Abouda Bonnamy (eux mêmes).
Distribution : Léa Morin (Talitha)