• Histoire(s) de Portrait


Lisa Swieton

A young woman is reading The Songs of Maldoror. But the reading is unsettling: the voice over is split and repeats itself; the voice of the reader is followed by a whispered, hushed voice: the same one? In the apartment, a young man appears, as a figure of tenderness always on the verge of vanishing. In the mirror, another young, unknown woman is reflected, she is also a reader: a projection? Through successive shifts, an experience of emotion, of blurring the perception inferred by Lautréamont’s poetry.

Lisa Swieton

  • Histoire(s) de Portrait

Technical sheet

France / 2019 / Color / 10'

Original version: French. Script, Image, Editing and Sound: Lisa Swieton. Casting : Chloé Pechoultres, Victor Oozeer.

Production: Lisa Swieton.