Utku Çırak

Dokuz Eylul University | Izmir, Turkey

Utku Çirak (Turkey, 1997) studies Film Design in Dokuz Eylul University, after graduating in Cinema and Television at the Akdeniz University. He was part of the 'Young Jury' for the 54th Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival in 2017 and, the last year, he participated at the 20th Cinedays Festival of European Film in Macedonia. As an independent filmmaker, he covers various aspects of filmmaking (direction, screenwriting, production and distribution). He also writes in cinema reviews for his Academy, trying to explore new ways of filmmaking. He recently worked on the script of a magical-realistic film and he aims to combine social issues with a fantastic style in several dystopias.

The Gas

Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir | Turkey / 2020 / 14’

A critical situation in the village bring the peasants to try breaking a curse through various rituals, under the leadership of the Mukhtar and Kadir. When the government finally arrives, it confronts the villagers with another reality. Traditional beliefs feature ethnic rituals in this post-modern narrative.
