Anne Basbous

INSEAMM Academy of Fine Arts Marseille | Marseille, France

Anouch Basbous (France, 1999) grew up in Berlin where she developed an early interest for visual storytelling through photography. After her first visit to Lebanon at the age of 18, she decided to pursue a career in filmmaking. In 2022 she obtained her bachelor degree from Marseille’s Academy of Fine Arts. For her first film, Hatef Sada, she collaborated with Thery Al Alam, a Lebanese musician. She explores the use of off- screen in narrating queer stories.


INSEAMM, Marseille | France / 2021 / 8’

A correspondence between two lovers from two mediterranean cities, a forbidden letter given to the sea to carry. Telephone Echo is the search for a common language, one that fights against erasure with tenderness and the other that witnesses the violence that it faces.
