
Salomé Lamas


Genre :  Documentary
Length : 90’

Project status : Development
Budget : 400 000 €
Acquired budget : 152 631 €

Shooting country : Nigeria

Despite the valuable crude oil that flows from the ground beneath their feet, the neglected country dwellers in the Niger Delta wage a conflicted daily struggle to survive.
With the end of the fossil fuel age on the horizon Pantheras delves into the complexity of Nigeria’s smuggling ideologies and clandestine economies exploring the neoliberal risks of neo-colonialism.

Note of intention

The Niger Delta is in an unbreakable vicious cycle spreading insecurity throughout the region and beyond. Pantheras will signal and reveal a dramatic reality with the aim of raising the awareness of the international community and promoting anonymous democratic change.

Pantheras advocates for a sustainable and ecologic production with the engagement of the local communities and the collaboration of multidisciplinary partners.
Our approach can be defined as a modified ethnography in the sense that we go to a specific location to observe the landscape and the people who inhabit it.

We reflect on how the violence that presided over the establishment of the colonial world provoked the destruction of the indigenous social forms, demolished without restriction the systems of references of the economy and the forms of appearance producing severe trauma. We not only address the colonial world but mostly neocolonialism and the global response. Disregarding the complexity of a coded environment it is clear that our mission is urgent.

Based on a mutating experimental methodology, my critical media practice parafictions show an interest in the intrinsic relationship between storytelling, memory, and history, while using the moving image to explore the traumatically repressed, seemingly unrepresentable, or historically invisible, from the horrors of colonial violence to the landscapes of global capital.


Salomé Lamas


La vague / 2022 / 5′
Hotel Royal / 2021 / 30′
Hangar / 2018 / 8′
Coup de grâce / 2017 / 25′
Ubi Sunt l-lll / 2017 / 30′
Eldorado XXl / 2016 / 125′
North: trial by fire / 2015 / 40′
The tower / 2015 / 8′


Production : Cima Film (France)
Producers : Louise Riousse, Marion d’Ornano

Selective filmography

Pedro / Liora Spilk Bialostozky / 2022 / 75’

A place called music / Enrique Rizo / 2022 / 88’

Go Youth / Carlos Armella / 2020 / 107’

Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe

Alan Martín Segal

Julien Ticot-Guillet

Jazmín López

Beatrice Gibson

Ann Oren

Gregor Božič