Le FIDLab est un espace de travail autour de projets de films sélectionnés en réponse à un appel international. Chaque année, une douzaine de projets sont sélectionnés, sans critères de format, de durée, de sujet, que ce soient des fictions, des documentaires, des animations ou des séries, au stade de l’écriture, du développement ou de la postproduction.

La plateforme a été créée pour offrir aux porteurs de projets l’opportunité de rencontres dynamiques avec des producteurs, fonds de soutien, diffuseurs, distributeurs, vendeurs, TV… Le FIDLab se positionne à la fois comme un espace défricheur de talents et un écrin en termes de diversité accueillie, et est devenu un label reconnu dans le monde.

Projets sélectionnés

Sharon Lockhart

Matthias Huser

Julia Pello

Carlos Casas

Juan Rodrigáñez

Elise Florenty, Marcel Türkowsky

Tina Makharadze

Daniela Seggiaro

Lucas Camargo de Barros, Nicolas Thomé Zetune

MML collective, Gilles Lepore, Michal Madracki, Maciej Madracki

Maya Kosa, Sérgio da Costa



La douzième édition du FIDLab a eu lieu en ligne du 6 au 10 juillet.

Parmi plus de 400 candidatures internationales reçues en 2020, le FIDLab, plateforme de coproduction internationale a retenu 15 projets cinématographiques à tout stade de développement, reflétant la production de 20 pays.

Le FIDLab propose des journées de travail en deux étapes. Une présentation des projets, cette année, en place d’une présentation, partagée dans un même lieu, ces exposés ont été filmés par les cinéastes. Dans un second temps, des rencontres en tête-à-tête avec des professionnels, virtuelles se sont tenues. Plus de 280 rendez-vous individuels ont eu lieu.

La cérémonie de Remise des Prix s’est déroulée virtuellement avec l’ensemble des porteurs de projet, des partenaires prix du FIDLab et en présence de Jean-Pierre Rehm, Délégué général du FIDMarseille et Fabienne Moris, directrice du FIDLab.

Le jury composé de Fiorella Moretti, fondatrice et co-directrice de la société de ventes internationales LuxBox ; Matthijs Wouter Knol, directeur de l’European Film Market de la Berlinale ; et Paolo Moretti, délégué général de la Quinzaine des Réalisateurs, a décerné 9 prix, dotés par 11 partenaires :

Prix Air France

Sharon Lockhart

produit par Primitive Film / Royaume-Uni et Lockhart Studio/ Etats-Unis

Le lauréat recevra deux billet long-courrier d’Air France.

Prix Commune Image

produit par Shellac Sud / France

Le prix Commune Image consiste en 8 semaines de montage à un projet produit ou coproduit par une société de production française.

Prix Fondation Camargo

Carlos Casas

produit par AMI / Royaume Uni et Etnograf / Pologne

Le prix Fondation Camargo permettra une résidence de 4 à 8 semaines.

Prix Casa de Velázquez

Nouveau prix doté par la Casa de Velázquez, centre de création artistique et de recherche basé à Madrid, offrira une résidence de 2 mois. Dans ce cadre, l’ECAM, École de Cinéma et d’Audiovisuel de la Communauté de Madrid, mettra à disposition de la lauréate dans le cadre de son programme OPEN ECAM son équipement de tournage et de montage..

Prix Kodak – Silverway

produit par Cinestacion / Chili et MDFF / Canada

Le prix KodakSilverway comprend la dotation de bobines de films par Kodak et leur développement chez Silverway Paris.

Prix Mactari

Maya Kosa, Sérgio da Costa

produit par Alina Film / Suisse et O Som e a Fúria / Portugal

Le prix Mactari consiste en mise à disposition d’un auditorium de mixage et/ou d’une salle de montage son, sans technicien.

Prix Micro Climat Studios

Elise Florenty, Marcel Türkowsky

Le prix Micro Climat Studios comprend des travaux de post-production (montage image, montage son, étalonnage, conformation) à définir par le lauréat.

Prix Sublimages

Matthias Huser

produit par 8Horses / Suisse

La société de sous-titrage Sublimage propose au lauréat l’adaptation, la traduction et le calage de son film vers une langue de son choix, français, anglais, espagnol.

Prix Vidéo de Poche

MML collective, Gilles Lepore, Michal Madracki, Maciej Madracki

La société de post-production Vidéo de Poche offre au projet lauréat la création du DCP du film. Cette société offrira également une réduction pour la création de DCP à tous les projets sélectionnés.

Focus Grèce

Dans sa préface à l’ouvrage Le Cinéma Grec (1999, Editions du Centre Pompidou), le critique de cinéma, Michel Démopoulo, décrit ainsi la production nationale qui est concentrée « sur le passé, le politique et le social, lieu de réflexion expressive et idéologique sur la représentation de l’histoire ou la mémoire de la tradition, regard cinéphilique, approche réaliste ou révélation poétique, c’est un cinéma éclaté, polymorphe, qui se cherche à travers de multiples expériences et finit parfois par trouver une voie originale ou une vision de la Grèce propre à son auteur, sans pour autant renoncer à l’affirmation d’une identité culturelle ».

Cette notion de cinéma éclaté s’est largement confirmée depuis les années 2000 et au plus fort de la crise économique, le voilà présent dans les sélections internationales.

De 2014 à 2020, un fond franco-grec a été lancé par le CNC et le Centre du Cinéma Grec. Dans la poursuite de cet élan, nous avons décidé d’accueillir les productrices Maria Drandaki de Homemade Film, Amanda Livanou de Neda Film, et le producteur Konstantinos Vassilaros du StudioBahaus pour cette première phase dédiée à l’industrie grecque.

Maria Drandaki

+306944846012 info@homemadefilms.gr www.homemadefilms.gr

Maria Drandaki founded her own production label Homemade Films in 2009. With a taste for sharp, cutting-edge, innovative cinema, Maria has produced and co-produced several successful short and feature films, which participated and won awards in many international film festivals and were distributed in movie theaters, tv-channels and platforms around the world. She is a member of the EAVE and ACE producers’ networks.

Homemade Films has produced and co-produced successful short and feature films. Its credits include internationally acclaimed feature films by Syllas Tzoumerkas Homeland (Venice IFF 2010), A Blast (Locarno IFF 2014) & The Miracle Of The Sargasso Sea (Berlinale 2019) and Yorgos Zois Interruption (Venice IFF 2015), multi-awarded short films Limbo (Cannes 2016) and Electric Swan (Venice IFF 2019) by Konstantina Kotzamani, as well as A Drowning Man by Mahdi Fleifel (Cannes 2017), and debut feature film Her Job (Toronto IFF 2018) by Nikos Labôt. Her in-development projects include the upcoming feature films by Yorgos Zois, Christos Karakepelis, Mladen Djordjevic and Elina Psykou as well as the debut feature films by Konstantina Kotzamani, Christos Passalis, Margot Schaap and Nikos Kyritsis.


Sofia Exarhou

Feature film •  Development • Homemade Films (Greece) Budget: 994 000 € • Financing in place: 20 000 €

A group of animateurs performs every night on the stage of Hotel Mirage, on the coast of a Greek island. As summer intensifies, the fiesta becomes fiercer, more daring. The nights turn violent, and the pop trance of flamboyance gives way to the rough void of yet another drunken extravaganza. A wild summer story is revealed in the darkness. But when the spotlights are on again, their show must go on.



Yorgos Zois

Feature film • Financing • Homemade Films (Greece), Red Carpet (Bulgaria), Xova Films (Czech Republic) • Budget: 900 000 € • Financing in place: 270 000 €

A struggling couple embarking on a banal summer holiday switches partners with a female acquaintance and a male stranger. Two parallel love stories emerge in a dream house by the sea that appears to be haunted.

Future Tenses

Christos Karakepelis

Feature film • Financing • Homemade Films (Greece), Sister Productions (France) • Budget: 409 000 € • Financing in place: 116 000 €

The sad systematization of Europe that causes asphyxiation and prophesizes poverty. The spectacular future vision of China that indoctrinates crowds of people in the dream and epically surges into the world. Two completely foreign languages compete within one port, whose workers are both their witnesses and prey: in Piraeus. And from there, a journey begins: in their lives, on earth, and in the lives of small, everyday people like them.

Neda Film

Amanda Livanou

(+30) 210 3230294

Amanda Livanou is a graduate of EAVE, EAVE+, Midpoint TV series, a member of the European Film Academy and a Sundance Institute Alumni. She served on the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Film Academy from October 2013 to December 2016.
Founder & Managing Partner, Amanda Livanou has produced, line produced and co- produced more than 15 films in the past 15 years, including BackDoor by Yorgos Tsemberopoulos, Screamin’ Jay Hawkins I put a Spell on Me by Nicholas Triantafyllidis, Arcadia Lost, a US production directed by Phedon Papamicahael, L by Babis Makridis and They Glow in the Dark by Panagiotis Evangelidis.
In 2018 Amanda and Neda Film co-found the Athens International Children’s Film Festival. The festival completed its second edition in November 2019 at the Athens Concert Hall while its educational activities and guest curated programmes for other cities in Greece run throughout the year. Sponsored by local pay TV giant Cosmote (www.athicff.com). Athicff is the partner and organiser of the 2nd seminar of the Kids Kino Lab in Athens in March 2020. Kids Kino lab is supported by Creative Europe.

Neda Film was established in Athens in 2014 by producer Amanda Livanou as a vehicle for the production of feature and documentary films as well as for international co-productions filmed or with Greece. In addition, Neda produces commercials and corporate videos for select clients.


Irini Karayannopoulou & Sandrine Cheyrol (aka Twin Automat)

Feature film • Development • Neda Film (Greece) • Budget: 240 000 € • Financing in place: 0 €

Mount Athos is a peninsula situated in Northeastern Greece, the home of 20 Christian Orthodox monasteries and the largest area on earth where access is reserved to men alone. Female animals are banned too, except for cats, songbirds and insects. Throughout the film women discuss a place they have no access to and their ideas and points of view interconnect and take us all the way to the forbidden land. Since the female duo that directs Avaton is unable to visit the peninsula, they decide to reconstruct Athos by using material filmed anywhere but there, animations and reworked archival material.


Christos Massalas

Feature film • Production • Neda Film (Greece),
Blue Monday Productions (France), Digital Cube (Romania) • Budget: 1 180 000 €
Financing in place: 0 €

Broadway tells the story of a group of young bandits in contemporary Athens. Nelly is a tomboy; Barbara is a boy on the run, dressed as a girl. Rudolph is a prankster and Mohammad is always there to save the day. The four of them collaborate, blending the art of dance with the art of pickpocketing. They live off petty thefts and have found refuge in Broadway, an abandoned entertainment arcade in Athens, where they have created their own utopia. But everything changes, when Markos, the original leader of the gang, returns from prison.

Frugal Abundance

Giorgos Savoglou & Frantzeska Romanou

Feature film • Production Neda Film, Greek Film Center, Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation ERT
SA (Greece) Budget: 58 000 € • Financing in place: 45 000 €

Having lived for the past 25 years in a makeshift cabin on the edge of a rock, 85-year- old Vangelis doesn’t need any « modern » amenities like electricity. He travels all year round on his bicycle and his daily activities follow the natural rhythm of the seasons of the year. Frugal Abundance is a snapshot from the life of a man who chose to live better with less. Produced by Neda Film.

Konstantinos Vassilaros

+30 213 0322117 kvassilaros@studiobauhaus.gr
Facebook: @StudioBauhausGR
Instagram: @studiobauhaus_gr

Konstantinos Vassilaros (b. 1985) recently completed Vardis Marinakis’ Zizotek, and secured its world premiere at Karlovy Vary’s East of West Competition. Currently in post-production for Holy Emy (Cinelink 2017 winner) by Araceli Lemos, in co-production with France & US. In financing for Orfeas Peretzis’ debut Riviera developed through Midpoint, presented at Crossroads, and already secured support from the Franco- Greek fund with co-producer Alexandre Gavras. In development for Elina Psykou’s 3rd film Patrimonial Fears & Other Symptoms, presented at Berlinale’s Co-Pro Market, together with Homemade Films, and Thomas Künstler’s stop-motion animation debut Màrkos. He studied Film Production at NYFA (US), UCA (UK), Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship (Goldsmiths). He started off working for Andrea Calderwood’s Slate Films, Breakthru Films, and then moved on as Video Producer for CNBC’s World Business & for Agence France-Presse before returning to Greece. He is an EAVE & Ties That Bind Alumni.

StudioBauhaus was established in 2014 with a goal to produce emotional, human behavior- oriented films, and audiovisual work with a rope into architecture, and art. Films at its heart, and commercial work to endure. Our editorial line organically grew into working with talent we genuinely like – both debut and established directors – through strong existential narratives, fully rounded characters, with a taste for magical realism and the supernatural. Key activities are feature art-house films aimed for the international market, shorts as a mean to develop relations, talent, and profile of directors, and gradually delving in animation production following the rewarding cooperation with the producers for the Oscar nominated animation Loving Vincent. Secondary activity includes artistic commercial work for galleries, cultural institutions & tourism industry.


Thomas Künstler

Animation feature film • Development
StudioBauhaus (Greece), Dispàrte (Italie) • Budget: 2 000 000 €
Financing in place: 17 500 €

Port of Piraeus. Athens. 1920’s. Márkos, a young migrant from Syros Island, who works at the municipal slaughterhouse, lives in a poor house with his numerous family members. He is in love with Eléni, a beautiful woman of the same age. At the same time, Márkos is steeped into the new musical sounds brought in by refugees from Asia Minor – rebétiko – and the clandestine world it represents, taking the path of becoming the famous Márkos Vamvakáris, the patriarch of rebétiko.

Patrimonial Fears & Other Symptoms

Elina Psykou

Feature film • Development • StudioBauhaus (Greece), Homemade Film (Greece), Achtung Panda! (Germany) • Budget 1 170 000€
Financing in place: 32 500 €

Old man Dinos seeks company to go to Hawaii. Magician Lakis must contact David Copperfield before he comes to Greece for a show. Konstantinos, the Apostolic Church’s drummer, searches for his missing wife. Dinos is Lakis’ father. Lakis is Konstantinos’ father. They are chubby and afraid. Will their fears vanish along with Copperfield’s latest magic trick – making the Acropolis disappear?


Orfeas Peretzis

Feature film • Financing • StudioBauhaus (Greece),
KG Production (France) • Budget: 792 000€ • Financing in place: 109 500€

A glamorous Athenian Riviera spot booming from its wealthy regulars is suddenly shaken by a shocking water ski accident. For Alkistis, now 17, not a single day has passed without worshiping her dad. The water-skier was her father. Apart from his ski legacy and trophies, Alkistis and her widowed mother Anna were left with the family hostel they have to look after. When Anna sells the villa everyone starts abandoning it. Alkistis tries hard to squeeze all her love for her father in boxes and convince Anna not to sell the villa. Alkistis spends one last night in the Athens Riviera. Despite the palm trees now dead, notwithstanding having a home, now that the end has come, she has nothing to lose.


Partenaires Officiels

Partenaires FIDLab



Partenaires Média