Suer d’intentions (Intentional Sweat)

Country : France
Genre : Fiction
Length : 120’
Project state : post-production

Budget : 148 913 €
Acquired Budget : 70 000 €

Production company, France : Hutong Productions
Producers : Lucie Rego, Pauline Tran Van Lieu

Coproduction company, France : Bad Manner’s
Producer : Hugo Jeuffrault

Filmography of the production :

Hutong Productions
Purina N°1 / Maxence Stamatiadis / 2018 / 23’

Bad Manner’s
Roman National / Grégoire Bourdeil /2018
Occidental / Neïl Beloufa / 2017 / 73’

In the aftermath of a catastrophic climate event that has laid waste to the planet, a group of six men and women – the last remaining representatives of their ethnic groups – are all that survive. Unable to leave Hong Kong, each must find their soul mate within the group to ensure the continuance of the species. That is, until one of them mysteriously disappears…

Chrystèle Nicot

Georg Tiller

Marine Hugonnier

Assaf Gruber

Manuela Gamboa

Pauline Curnier Jardin