An extremely disturbing film. Full of tenderness and questions. I read that Elena had as a starting point a sensation, one day, that the movements we do seem both spontaneous and ancestral, repetitive, anchored within us… What if it were the same with desire? A women films the men in her home village in a ritualized ceremony. Her voice observes the unchanged rules of the ancients and what is spontaneous within her. But when is desire from, who does desire belong to…?
(M.A.)Elena López Riera Mathieu Amalric
- La Folie Amalric
Technical sheet
Switzerland, Spain / 2018 / Colour / 24’
Original version : spanish
Subtitles : french, english
Script : Elena López Riera
Photography : Giuseppe Truppi
Editing : Raphaël Lefèvre
Sound : Elena López Riera, Mateo Menéndez, Marcelo López Riera
Production : David Epiney & Eugenia Mumenthaler (Alina Film).
Filmography :
El Agua, 2022
Las vísceras, 2016
Pueblo, 2015
Pas à Genève, 2014.
- Autres films / La Folie Amalric