• GNCR Award


Gastón Solnicki

A slowly emerging muteness, a sensation suggested by the music of what is the only opera written by Béla Bartók in 1918, may be the starting point of this film by Gastón Solnicki. The holidaying teenage girls are not the cloistered wives of Bluebeard’s Castle. Without actually being mute, they breathe new life into the brevity of verbal exchanges. Then suddenly the singing and the orchestra submerge the summery routine, between Buenos Aires and Punta Del Este, the encroachment of architecture feels itself ever more weightily.
Gaston Solnicki

  • GNCR Award

Technical sheet


Argentina 2016 HD, Dolby Digital 72’
Original version : spanish.
Subtitles : english.
Photography : Diego Poleri, Fernando Lockett.
Editing : Alan Segal, Francisco D’Eufemia.
Sound : Jason Candler.
Casting : Laila Maltz.

Production : Gaston Solnicki (FIlmy Wiktora), Ivan Eibuszyc (FRUTACINE).
Distribution : Frutacine Eibuszyc.