• Retrospective to Whit Stillman


Whit Stillman

Violet and her allies are on a mission: to save Seven Oaks University from male decadence. Their recipe? Hygiene, elegance and the invention of a new dance.

“It’s true that I tried to mix high and broad comedy. This wasn’t always accepted in the United States, far from it, because there is a sophisticated public that doesn’t like stupid humour. I like it a lot, when it’s good. Ryan Metcalf, who plays Frank, came to the audition and said, ‘I have a version that’s really broad, do you mind if I show you?’ I said, ‘Go for it.’ Then came Billy Magnusson, who plays Thor in the film, they had the same agent, and he too suggested a very broad version. There were already some pretty broad scenes in the script, like the people jumping off the second floor of the building, but these two actors pushed the film more firmly in that direction, they bolstered that dimension.” (WS)

From Whit Stillman : Not so long ago, Fireflies Press / FIDMarseille, coll. “One, Two, Many”, 2023

  • Retrospective to Whit Stillman

Technical sheet

United States / 2011 / 99'

Production: Whit Stillman (Westerly Films), Martin Shafer (N/O)