Pierre Creton is an artist and a farm worker, his many jobs as a beekeeper or a cowherd have led him to direct films about the master/slave relationship or about our relationship with animals. He has directed about twenty films, all screened at FIDMarseille. L’Heure du berger won the Grand Prize in the French competition in 2008. Three of his full-length feature films had a nationwide release: Secteur 545 (Shellac, 2004), Maniquerville (Capricci, 2009) and Va Toto ! (Andolfi production, JHR Films, 2017). He lives and works in the Pays de Caux, an are a in Normandy he keeps exploring and filming: “This is where he draws, collects honey and tends to his garden. Times for art and for life merge. His work, encounters and readings give rise to films, which in turn shape his existence, opening him to new experiences and territories that eventually lead to other films. To work as a filmmaker is to inhabit a world made livable by the creation of communities of thoughts, desires and friendships, bringing together farmers, writers and film directors, the living and the dead, the near and the far.” (Cyril Neyrat)
Filmography: 2017 Sur la voie critique. 2014 Petit traité de la marche en plaine (co-directed with Vincent Barré). 2013 Sur la voie. 2012, Le marché, petit commerce documentaire. 2011 Le grand cortège. 2010 N’avons-nous pas toujours été bienveillants ? 2009 Le paysage pour témoin, rencontre avec Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt. Maniquerville. 2007 Les Vrilles de la vigne. 2006 L’arc d’iris, souvenir d’un jardin (co-directed with Vincent Barré). Paysage imposé. 2005 Le voyage à Vézelay. Détour suivi de Jovan from Foula (codirected with Vincent Barré) 2002 Une saison. La vie après la mort. 1994 Le vicinal.