Fidback - the FIDMarseille cinema magazine

Fidback is a new film magazine published by FIDMarseille.

Every spring, Fidback looks back over the past year: a look back at the last edition of the FID, a look back at what’s happening in the world of cinema, a look back at the work of a filmmaker close to the festival, outside the news.

Based on a dozen or so films chosen and illuminated by texts, interviews, documents and previously unpublished material, each issue will compose an image of the cinema defended by FIDMarseille: the unexpected image of an adventurous cinema.

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Fidback #0

In this issue : Ignacio Agüero, Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche, Maria Aparicio, Wang Bing, Caroline Champetier, Laura Citarella, Selma Doborac, Mathilde Girard, Patrick Holzapfel, Claire Lasolle, James Lattimer, Annick Leroy et Julie Morel, Giovanni Marchini Camia, Adrian Martin, Louise Martin Papasian, Maxime Martinot, Martha Mechow, Cyril Neyrat, Jacques Rivette, Tina Satter, Laura Staab.

Publication management : Tsveta Dobreva et Cyril Neyrat.

The books

FIDMarseille is adding to its collection of books, launched last year, dedicated to the filmmakers and artists to whom the retrospectives and tributes are devoted.

Driven by the spirit and energy of a festival, these lively, collective books welcome a wide range of forms and types of writing – critical essays, documents, writings by the filmmakers themselves and, above all, their own words.

One, Two, Many, is the title of a film by Manon de Boer, presented at FIDMarseille in 2012.


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Ingrid Caven plays, sings and writes. She was born in Germany in 1938. On stage or in front of the camera, she has worked with Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Werner Schroeter, Daniel Schmid, Jean Eustache, Peer Raben, Ulrike Ottinger and many other artists of her time.

12,5 x 21,5 cm / 192 pages / June 2024 ISBN : 978-2-35137-375-0 Under the direction of Cyril Neyrat, Corinna Corinne and Giovanni Marchini Camia With :
  • texts by Philippe Azoury, Erika Balsom, Renato Berta, Bertrand Bonello, Ingrid Caven, Luc Chessel, Pierre Creton, Rachel Kushner, Nathalie Léger, Ulrike Ottinger and Audrey Wollen,
  • a conversation between Jean-Jacques Schuhl and Albert Serra,
  • and a long interview with Ingrid Caven.
The English edition of the book, Ingrid Caven. I am a fiction, is published by Fireflies Press. It is available on our eShop.


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From his first film in 1961,Les Petits Drames (perdu), to the last Bonjour la langue (2022), Paul Vecchiali has built up a ‘bigger than life’ body of work that makes him one of France’s great filmmakers.

12,5 x 21,5 cm / 192 pages / June 2023 ISBN : 978-2-35137-345-3 Under the direction of Cyril Neyrat

With :
  • a collection of previously unpublished texts by Paul Vecchiali,
  • essays by Marie-Claude Treilhou, Marianne Dautrey, Pierre Creton, Camille Nevers, Hervé Joubert-Laurencin
  • an interview with three of its actors (Jean-Christophe Bouvet, Françoise Lebrun, Pascal Cervo),
  • and a complete filmography with commentary by the filmmaker.
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Whit Stillman is an American filmmaker. He is the author of five films that have profoundly renewed the comedy genre : Metropolitan (1990), Barcelona (1994), The Last Days of Disco (1998), Damsels in Distress (2011) et Love & Friendship (2016).
12,5 x 21,5 cm / 192 pages / July 2023 ISBN : 978-2-35137-344-6 Under the direction of Cyril Neyrat With :
  • Whit Stillman’s writings,
  • essays by Nick Pinkerton, Serge Bozon, Charlotte Garson, Félix Rehm and Beatrice Loayza,
  • a collection of documents presented by Haden Guest (Harvard Film Archive),
  • and a long interview with the filmmaker covering his entire body of work.
The English edition of the book, Whit Stillman. Not so long ago, is published by Fireflies Press. It is available on our eShop.