Hsin-Yu Chen

TFAI | Taiwan

Hsin-Yu Chen is a filmmaker and artist currently based in Taipei, Taiwan. He works with experimental film, documentary, and moving image to explore the liminal space between seeing and being seen where subjectivity is implicated and constructed. Drawing on border landscapes, embodied knowledge and the notion of measurement and categorization, he examines the intersection of the viewing body and the political subject. His work has been shown at MoCA Taipei, TW; Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition, Hong-gah Museum, TW; Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin; Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris, FR; Kassel Dokfest, DE; 25 FPS, HR; and Arkipel - Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival, ID. He has participated in the Oberhausen Seminar and residencies including RAIR Philadelphia and Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris.

Beigu Islet

Taiwan / 2022 / 12’

A voyage to the northern border of Taiwan — the eponymous Beigu Islet, a sea rock roughly 300sqft submerged under water half of the time — delves into regional histories, the gaze on borderline landscapes, and the ambivalent state of Taiwanese territory and subjectivity.

Hsin-Yu Chen
