• Other gems


Claire Doyon

Three years after Pénélope mon amour (FID2021), Claire Doyon provides news of her daughter, a young adult with autism and non-speaking. She does so through a letter addressed to other parents in charge of a home where Penelope will not be living after all. The letter sets out the reason for this decision: a disagreement over the method of care, i.e. of creation of a community for beings whose deprivation of speech prevents them from expressing their desire. In a reflex learned from Deligny, Claire Doyon questions the good ethical conscience, revealing its normative unthinking and turning the questions on their head: What is a free gesture? What conditions the slightest gesture? What are we lacking to live up to Penelope’s gestures and joy? While on screen, printed over the days on 8mm film, these gestures and this joy, their brilliance magnified by the editing, impose the enigma of their evidence.

Cyril Neyrat

Where did the idea for the film come from ? What made you decide to make it into a film?

Whilst editing my documentary, Pénélope mon amour, I thought I was going to address all the issues that were playing on my mind about difference and autism. I wanted to put it all into that film and then never talk about it again. That was a mistake. I started pulling on the thread of a reel that kept getting longer and longer; and which led me to make short, self-produced satellite films.
I also realised that filming in super 8 wasn’t only for want of a better alternative or for lack of time as I had been telling myself for years, but that it was part of my working method. I film in super 8, the images stay at the bottom of a well for a while, then a kind of necessity to speak pushes me to grab the bucket and lower it to the bottom of the well to fetch the images. I see what rises to the surface without trying too hard to control or cut them, leaving things to chance.

You go beyond the simple observation of a disagreement to develop a broader reflection: on gestures, obligation and freedom. Could you comment on this or elaborate?

The letter I read describes an unrequited expectation. Rather than just expressing disappointment, the letter is a pretext for talking about Pénélope’s gestures. I observe how they are unbearable for others, and for me too. They must always be interpreted, either out of a sense of obligation to “suppress” them or in order to “let them go”. We always have to give meaning to them because doing so reassures us. I like the expression Deligny uses to describe them. He stops at the threshold of interpretation. He speaks of gestures “for want of anything”.
With Suspension, I try to examine my psyche and observe the ties between gesture and interaction. I tell myself that this is what I am going to do: trace in real-time, and as vertically as possible, what moves me in this journey of life with Pénélope. The stages. I felt entitled to do so thanks to encouragements from friends. When making the film, I felt as though everything was on hold.

Interview by Nathan Letoré

  • Other gems
18:3028 June 2024Variétés 1
11:3029 June 2024La Baleine

Technical sheet

France / 2024 / Colour and B&W / 11'

Original version: French
Subtitles: No Subtitles
Photography: CLAIRE DOYON
Editing: FRED PIET

Production: CLAIRE DOYON (pas de société)

1999 : Le vent souffle où il veut
2003 : Les lionceaux
2012 : Pénélope
2015 : Les allées sombres
2021 : Pénélope mon amour
2022 : It’s raining cats and dogs
2023 : Point virgule