Paolo Natale Garcia

ECAM | Spain

Paolo Natale García is a graduate in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Murcia, specialising in Documentary Film from the ECAM and a film programmer. His work has been shown at festivals such as Curtocircuito, IBAFF, Alcances, Márgenes and FICC. He is also strongly committed to the dissemination, exhibition and creation of spaces for dialogue of spaces that encourage dialogue and reflection on non-standardised cinema in his homeland, the Region of Murcia, where he has been part of the curatorial team of the IBAFF (Ibn Arabi Fil Festival) since 2023 after winning the official short film section in 2022 with his film Día en la nieve (Snow Days). He is currently developing his first feature film, Our raised skin, which has already passed through the Extremlab residency in the framework of L'Alternativa and Malaga Talent 2024 at the Malaga Film Festival.

Configuration of a Threshold

Spain / 2023 / 9’

On the periphery, the city’s waste accumulates to form illegal dumps. In these, a new kind of life has emerged. It hides from the lights of humans, but the city reclaims what is its own. It advances and changes everything in its path. In its flight, the shadows remain in time. The thresholds persist. Gentrification, the death of one city and the rebirth of another.

Paolo Natale Garcia
