• An ukrainian youth



Mykyta Lyskov

Mykyta Lyskov

Perhaps the most prominent and radical figure in Ukrainian animation, Lyskov (b. 1983) crafts a surreal portrait of his home city Dnipro. Documenting how the people of the riverine metropolis weathered post-USSR storms of social upheaval, this colourful exercise in urban surrealism is a non-verbal phantasmagoria in which entities absurdly and oneirically intermingle. Essentially empathetic and humane, it explores the idea of “Kohannia”—defined by Lyskov as “a feeling that arises in the soul and has a connection with the transcendental and divine… which I do not see around me nowadays.” (N.Y.)

  • An ukrainian youth

Technical sheet

Ukraine / 2019 / Couleur / 14’

Original version : No dialogue
Script : Mykyta Lyskov
Photography : Anastasia Belikova, Iva Naydenko, Valeria Scalicka
Animation : Keterina Vznihk, Mykyta Lyskov
Music : Anton Baibakov, Kurs Valüt, Olexiy Dyachkov
Sound : Anton Baibakov
With the voice of : Sofia Baibakova
Production : Mykyta Lyskov.