Karolina Bregula

The tower is made of sugar. This utopian construction tends to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of a neighbourhood. Neighbours gather to organize the collection of sugar, and after some talk, they decide to form a choir. The spoken, sung or choreographed moments alternate in this musical tragedy in rhythmic surges. The libretto is by Karolina Breguła. Ela Orleans wrote the music. Architectures delineate roomy interiors that reach beyond a solely stage-like spectacle for the eyes or ears. (GG)Karolina Bregula

Technical sheet


Poland, 2016, Colour, HD, Stéréo, 79’

Original version : polish.
Subtitles : english.
Script : Karolina Bregula.
Photography : Robert Mleczko.
Editing : Stefan Paruch.
Sound : Ela Orleans, Weronika Raźna.
Casting : Joanna Cortes, Sylwester Kostecki, Anna Lubańska, Wojchech parchem, Ewa Mikulska.

Production : Karolina Bregula, Fundacja Witryna Fundacja Witryna. Distribution : Karolina Breguła.

Filmography : Fire-Followers, 2013, The Offence, 2013, The Soup, 2014