Wilbirg Brainin-Donnenberg

A mother writes to her daughter, from one paradise to another: one is on holiday in the Mediterranean, the other is in a foster family in the Southern Hemisphere. On screen, shots of Italy alternate with the photos sent by daughter to her mother, images showing both joy and resilience. Because on the soundtrack, the mother can be heard talking about the harassment both women have experienced, examples of male domination that collide with the beauty of the world. A few minutes out of time, to rea rm a special bond and to mark a step in a progress that is always to recover. (N.L.)

Wilbirg Brainin-Donnenberg

Technical sheet

Austria / 2019 / Color / 8'

Original version: German. Subtitles: French. Concept, Camera, Editing, Voice : Wilbirg Brainin-Donnenberg. Sound : Jürgen Haiden / Tom Kava. Colorist : Willi Willinger.

Super 8 Film Development and Technical Assistance : Stefanie Weberhofer.

Post Production  : Mona Willi

Filmography : Zwischentitel, 2017, Casarsa della Delicia, 2018